5 MORE IN 2024

Dear CMU Family,
It has been a busy and wonderful summer so far. I am excited to share that we have built FIVE churches this summer to give to local congregations in Brasil! It has truly been humbling to be a part of the mission efforts of the Brasiian Baptist through the years. Trip after trip and brick after brick, I have come home this summer from each trip feeling like that build was the best one yet but each trip has been worth the time, effort, and investment. Our partners there continue to make sure we are helping in areas where there is great need and great promise. For this we are grateful. Some of the congregations we helped this summer were planted many years go - some 10 plus years. So much dedication and hard Kingdom work has taken place in these communities where these faith families have been established.
So all to say, it is extremely humbling to get to share in what the Lord is doing in these places and through His local church.
We hear over and over that we are answered prayers; not only regarding the gift of a building but the presence of our volunteers who show up and love the people we serve. It is very important that all of you in our CMU family know and understand that you are part of these answered prayers too! Maybe you went in years past and helped lay the foundation for CMU to continue. Or maybe you pray for us faithfully or maybe you support us financially year after year. Either way, you have a part; a part that is purposeful and a part that matters. So please take a little time to gaze through the pictures of the wonderful things the CMU family played a part in this summer. There are so many good things- all reminders of His faithfulness!
Thank you all so much,
Chuck Conner III